Monday, December 30, 2019

Domestic Violence Has No Gender Essay - 1496 Words

Violence Has No Gender Walking down the street you see a couple that is arguing, you hear hateful words being told to each other, and the argument seems to be escalating quickly. You see the men raise his hand, and punch the women. What do you do? Interfere in the fight, call the cops, or walk away and ignore the situation? Now let us turn the situation around. You are walking down the street, and you see the couple arguing, and the women punches the men. What do you do now? Would you react the same way as if it was the other way around or would you ignore it? Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any kind of relationship that is used by one of the partners to gain control of the other partner. â€Å"Anyone† can be a victim. When you think about victims of domestic violence who is it that comes in mind to you? If we answer honestly it is most likely â€Å"women†. As stated before anyone can be a victim when it comes down to domestic violence. If this is true why is gender equality not taken into consideration when an incident occurs? Gender equality is the state in which rights or opportunities are not affected by gender. If gender is not a problem why do so many laws protect women, but not men? Men have the same rights as women. Therefore, when men are victims, their cases should be treated as if it was a women’s. Let us picture it this way. When looking at a women and men body what do we see? What similarities do we both share? I would say head, nose, mouth, fingers,Show MoreRelatedDomestic Violence ( Dv ) And How It Has Been Portrayed As A Male Gender Issue1286 Words   |  6 Pagesis about Domestic Violence (DV) and how it has been portrayed as a male gender issue through media, govern ment, and leading organisations against DV; both internationally and within Australia. 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