Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Horror Of The 1920 S - 1218 Words

One of the bestselling books out of the 1920’s is All Quite on the Western Front. It gives us a look at how brutal and horrifying the war was in that period of time. Describing two stories, the book the precisely chronicles the thoughts of a soldier in World War I (WWI) while simultaneously describing the horrors of all wars. It does not try to make any of its chapters seem unrealistic to the audience for example, each account is not only a separate experience, but a new representation of the fighting. Like all other books, it tells the depth and how it took a great toll on how the world perceived the war. Before, everyone had this romantic theme almost on how the war had such great love stories and its semi-horrifying experiences that had brought them back together. This book has the horrifying tragedies on how a soldier’s life really was in the 20’s. How it took the soldiers emotional and psychical being to a whole new level. The war is seen through the eyes o f Paul Baumer (the main character). His mindset is more superior than his comrades’, but to take on a godly role that he takes to serve as the connections between WWI and all past and future disorders. He represents all man and through him the reader comes to see such human struggle. The story begins before enlistment; the soldiers are stuffed with beef, beans, and happiness. The mens’ futures were certain to be good as they feel satisfied and at peace; each man had shelter and a mess tin full for the evening. AfterShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie 1920 American Film 1318 Words   |  6 Pages1920’s American Film During the 1920s, American Film was at the peak of its glory. 1920s Film was the biggest form of entertainment and a weekly pastime for millions of Americans, regardless of race and social background. Silent films continued to improve and innovate the film industry. 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